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Partnering through Mentorship, Leadership, and Research

29th Annual Conference of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians
June 20-25, 2009

Andrews University
Berrien Springs, MI, USA

Friday, June 19

Arrivals, Check in at Lamson Hall (if you booked for campus lodging), Purchase meal cards from Dining Services


Dining Service Hours:
7:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Breakfast
11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Deli & Salad Only
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Dinner


Sabbath, June 20

No breakfast at Dining Services

Morning Services at Pioneer Memorial Church

8:15 A.M. Traditional Service
10:00 A.M. Sabbath School
11:15 A.M. Contemporary Service

There are other churches in the area with slightly different schedules

12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M. Lunch on your own (Dining Services will accept meal card only)

Half-Day Tour to Battle Creek

Coordinators: Merlin Burt and Jim Ford
Tour Guide: Jim Nix

2:00 P.M. Leave campus — Meet in the Parking Lot behind Pioneer Memorial Church
3:30 P.M. – 4:45 P.M. Adventist Historic Village
4:45 P.M. Board bus for Oakhill Cemetery
5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. Oakhill Cemetery
6:30 P.M. Board bus for dinner
6:45 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Dinner at Clara’s on the River (meal included in fee)
8:00 P.M. Board bus to go back to Andrews University
9:30 P.M. Arrive on Campus

Sunday, June 21
Pre-Conference Activities

8:00 A.M. Continental Breakfast — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall (No breakfast at Dining Services)
Garber Auditorium, Chan Shun Hall
Chair: Jim Ford
8:30 A.M. Devotional
Merlin Burt, Director, Center for Adventist Research and Associate Professor, Andrews University SDA Theological Seminary Church History Department
9:00 A.M. Research Experiences of Adventist Historians . . .
  • Jim Nix, Director, Ellen G. White Estate
  • Gary Land, Chair and Professor, Andrews University History Department
  • Brian Strayer, Professor, Andrews University History Department
. . . and the Path Ahead — Panel Discussion
  • Jim Nix
  • Gary Land
  • Brian Strayer
  • Jerry Moon, Chair and Associate Professor, Andrews University SDA Thelogical Seminary Church History Department
10:45 A.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
11:00 A.M. Cooperation and Coordination – Report of the ARS Digital Committee
12:15 P.M. Lunch
1:30 P.M. Conservation on a Shoestring
Lori Curtis, Archivist and Associate Chair, Archives and Special Collections, Loma Linda University
2:15 P.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
2:30 P.M. Bits and Pieces [Business and Update Session]
  • Archiving the Adventist Web
  • Managing Adventist Periodicals – Violeta Paraschuk
  • Sound Archives
Stand up/Sit down short break
  • ARS Planning Committee Election (or re-election) Term expiring: Lori Curtis
  • Updates and New Resources
  • Ellen G. White Estate Resources – Jim Nix
  • General Conference Archives – Joshua Marcoe
  • Others
4:00 P.M. Technical Tour of the Center for Adventist Research — Jim Ford and staff
Instruction Lab, James White Library
Chair: Katye Hunt
8:30 A.M. Devotional
R. Lee Davidson, Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning, Andrews University
8:45 A.M. Teaming up with Teachers for Information Literacy
Sheila Clark, Assistant Librarian, Canadian University College
9:30 A.M. Using Databases to Enhance Teaching

Silas Oliveira, Reference/Database/Off-Campus Services Librarian, Andrews University

10:10 A.M. ABC of Cataloging

Felipe Tan, Senior Cataloger, Andrews University

10:45 A.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
11:00 A.M.

Web Sites and Library Automation

Steve Sowder, Systems Librarian, Andrews University

11:35 A.M.

ANGEL is a Teacher’s Best Friend

Katye Hunt, ANGEL Director, Southern Union Conference

12:00 NOON Lunch
1:00 P.M.

Tips on Evaluating Selections and Useful Selection Tools for Your School Library

Kieren Bailey, MLIS, University of Western Ontario, April 2009

1:40 P.M.

Pick or Click: Reference Fun for Kids

Cynthia Helms, Head, Information Services Dept., Andrews University

2:15 P.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
2:30 P.M.

Fundraising 101

Sallie Alger, Head, Bibliographic Services Dept., Andrews University

3:10 P.M. To Weed or Not to Weed — That is the Question!

Donna M. Wheeker, Retired/Former Librarian, Andrews Academy

3:50 P.M.

Hands-on Mending

Katye Hunt, ANGEL Director, Southern Union Conference

5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. Campus Tour (Coordinator: Rebecca May) — Meet in the Main Lobby, James White Library
6:00 P.M. Supper
7:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Opening Ice Cream Reception / Poster Session / Book Display — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall

Poster Abstracts

A Practical Example of Mentoring and Its Effect on Job Definition
Dan Drazen, Editor, SDA Periodical Index

The job of editor of the SDA Periodical Index was complicated by the handling of the day-to-day financial work (billing and receivables). This changed after consulting with the editors of two other periodical indexes [Religion Index: One and Catholic Periodical and Literature Index]. As a result of this consultation, the day-to-day financial work of the SDA Periodical Index is now being performed by Andrews University’s Purchasing/Firms Department.

Facing the Past: Shaking Hands with the (D)Evil
Cristian Dumitrescu, PhD Student, Theological Seminary, Andrews University

Dumitrescu’s research on both the official documents of the time and individuals’ files in the depository of the Secret Police archives of Romania presents a lot of potential not only for recreating a hidden, denied, or forgotten history of the Adventist church, but also for establishing a profile of a Communist government’s attempt to squash religious life according to their dictum, “Religion is the opium of the people”. Such a profile might help us understand their mentality and strategies and serve as a resource for Adventist regional or world leaders dealing with situations in Communist countries today. The most difficult question is “How far is the Adventist church supposed to go in collaborating with a Communist regime?” Documents showing the Communists’ intention to reduce religious activity to a minimum and their overall strategy for reaching a non-religious “ideal society” will be posted.

Impact of Andrews University’s Scientific Productivity
Silas M. Oliveira, Reference/Database/Off-Campus Services Librarian, Andrews University;
Lawrence W. Onsager, Dean of Libraries, Andrews University

Evaluating faculty scientific productivity and quality is a strenuous endeavor; however, it is crucial to estimate the impact on the development and progress of a specific subject field or research and on the academic community. Journal impact factors based on citation counts and peer reviews are probably the most common methods utilized to evaluate scientific productivity. To identify Andrews University’s faculty scientific productivity, the authors resorted to the “Science Citation Index” published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) to collect data for this study. Data were collected and tabulated according to various factors.

Inventing the Future of the James White Library
Lawrence W. Onsager, Dean of Libraries, Andrews University

To better serve the Andrews community, the current 1970s James White Library building needs to be renovated to provide a 21st century learning environment. This new learning environment will be a place where students, faculty, and staff come to challenge themselves academically and engage in the campus learning environment. The James White Library faculty and staff are working with University administrators to develop plans and initiate changes in the physical facility and library services. This poster is a presentation of changes that have been implemented and changes planned for the future.

Evidence-Based Ministry?
Terry Robertson, Seminary Librarian, Andrews University

The model of evidence-based professional practice has been most thoroughly developed and applied in the health professions. In principle, the claim is made that practice should be based on reliable data, evaluated and organized into meaningful information, and incorporated into collective knowledge for the purpose of improving outcomes. A number of other professions are exploring the potential, i.e. social work, education, librarianship. Can this model be applied to the professional ministry?

Tips of Effective Student Employee Management
Jeannette Wetmore, Public Services Assistant, Union College

The poster will include planning and designing jobs for student employee job satisfaction, training and retraining the employee, and informal appraisals, self-appraisals, and formal appraisals.

7:45 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Speaker Orientation — Garber Auditorium, Chan Shun Hall
8:00 P.M. Executive Committee — Bibliographic Services Dept., James White Library

Monday, June 22
Conference Program

7:00 A.M. Breakfast
Moderator for the Day: Josip Mocnik
8:30 A.M. Welcome to ASDAL and Andrews University
  • Carlene Drake, ASDAL President
  • Cynthia Mae Helms, ASDAL Onsite Coordinator
  • Dr. Neils-Erik Andreasen, Andrews University President
Jim Nix, Director, Ellen G. White Estate
9:00 A.M.

Welcome and Introduction

Josip Mocnik, ASDAL President-Elect/Conference Chair

Keynote Speech — “Pass it On”: Mentoring via the College Library Directors’ Mentoring Program

Dr. Larry Hardesty, Director, College Library Directors’ Mentor Program
10:30 A.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
10:45 A.M. Response — Panel
  • Josip Mocnik (Moderator), Library Director, Southern Adventist University
  • Cristina Thomsen, Library Director, Southwestern Adventist University
  • Margaret von Hake, Retired/Former Library Director, Columbia Union College
  • Lee Marie Wisel, Library Director, Columbia Union College
Question and Answer Session
12:00 NOON Lunch
1:30 P.M. Library Anxiety and ICT Literacy: A Foundation for Mentoring Students in the Academic Library
Terry Robertson, Seminary Librarian, Andrews University;
Lauren Matacio, Instruction Librarian, Andrews University
2:15 P.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
2:30 P.M. Business Session I, Carlene Drake presiding
4:00 P.M. James White Library Tour (Guide: Norma Greenidge) — Meet in the James White Library Lobby (Guide: Norma Greenidge)
5:00 P.M. Supper on your own / Dine Around — Meet in the James White Library Lobby
7:00 P.M. Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index Board — Dean’s Conference Room, James White Library

Tuesday, June 23

7:00 A.M. Breakfast
Moderator for the Day: Cynthia Helms
8:30 A.M. Announcements
Darius Jankiewicz, Associate Professor of Theology, Andrews University
8:50 A.M. Determining our Worth: The Value of Libraries
Carlene Drake, Library Director, Loma Linda University
9:30 A.M. Group Photograph (Coordinator: Rebecca May)
Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
9:50 A.M.

Percieved Influence of Academic Qualifications, Gender, Religious Affiliation, and Ethnic Sentiment on Mentoring Practices among Librarians in Selected University Libraries in Nigeria

Yacob Haliso, Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of Information Resources Management, Babcock University;
Uloma Onuoha, Lecturer II, Department of Information Resources Management, Babcock University

10:30 A.M.

Finding Free Online Adventist Books: Where Are They?

Warren Johns, Cataloger, Loma Linda University

11:10 A.M.

The Role of the Christian Librarian in Postmodern Academia

Nicola Palmer, Acquisitions and Serials Librarian, Northern Caribbean University

12:00 NOON Lunch
1:30 P.M.

Mentoring in Librarianship: the Training Experience at James White Library

Felipe Tan, Senior Cataloger, Andrews University

2:15 P.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
2:30 P.M. Business Session II, Carlene Drake presiding
4:00 P.M. Center for Adventist Research Exhibits Tour — Lower Floor, James White Library (Guide: Jim Ford)
5:00 P.M. Supper on your own / Dine Around — Meet in the James White Library Lobby
7:00 P.M. ALICE Council — Dean’s Conference Room, James White Library

Wednesday, June 24

8:00 A.M. Day Tour to Grand Rapids
Coordinator: Sallie Alger
7:00 A.M. Breakfast
7:30 A.M. Leave campus — Meet in the Parking Lot behind Pioneer Memorial Church
9:00 A.M. Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park (entrance included in fee)
11:30 A.M. Board bus for Northern Beltline
11:30 A.M. Lunch on your own in Northern Beltline
12:45 P.M. Board bus for Gerald Ford Museum
1:15 P.M. Gerald Ford Museum (entrance included in fee)
3:30 P.M. Board bus for Public Library
3:45 P.M. Grand Rapids Public Library
4:45 P.M. Board bus for Saugatuck
5:30 P.M. Supper on your own in Saugatuck
7:30 P.M. Board bus to go back to Andrews University
8:30 P.M. Arrive on Campus

Thursday, June 25

7:00 A.M. Breakfast
Moderator for the Morning: Cynthia Helms
8:30 A.M. Announcements
Carolyn Macomber, Training and Development Coordinator, Human Resources, Andrews University
8:50 A.M.

Finding Demographics of Web Site Visitors Using Google Analytics

Steve Sowder, Systems Librarian, Andrews University

9:30 A.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
9:45 A.M.

Bringing in the Leaves of History of Helderberg Primary School

Yvette Sparrow, Technical Services Librarian, Helderberg College

10:30 A.M. Breakout Sessions
  • Directors (Moderator: Carol Nix)
  • Public Services/Instruction (Moderator: Wolfhard Touchard)
  • Technical Services/Systems (Moderator: Warren Johns)
12:00 NOON Lunch
Moderator for the Afternoon: Josip Mocnik
1:30 P.M.

Teaming Up to Meet the Challenge: The Southern Experience

Genevieve Cottrell, Cataloger, Southern Adventist University;
Stanley Cottrell II, Technical Services Librarian, Southern Adventist University;
Marge Seifert, Public Services Librarian, Southern Adventist University

2:10 P.M.

Factors Affecting Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Use of Academic Librarians in Southwestern Nigeria: the Leadership Role of Babcock University, Nigeria

Yacob Haliso, Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of Information Resources Management, Babcock University

2:50 P.M. Break — Whirlpool Room, Chan Shun Hall
3:05 P.M. Breakout Session Reports and Business Session III, Carlene Drake presiding
5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. Horn Archaeological Museum Tour (Guide: Stefanie Elkins);
7:00 P.M. Middle Eastern Banquet — Lincoln Room, Dining Center
  • Hebrew Dance Group
  • Resolutions Committee Report
  • Tribute to the Retirees (Coordinator: Lori Curtis)
  • Handing of the Gavel to the Incoming President (Carlene Drake and Josip Mocnik)
  • Awarding the Presidential Plaque to the Outgoing President (Lori Curtis)

This is a reprint of the Conference Program as it appeared in 2009. Some information may no longer be current.

Last Revised June 25, 2009

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